Salmon (2)
Salmon (3)
Salmon (1)

Chum Salmon, Onchorhyncus keta
Atlantic Salmon, Salmo sallar

We offer both Chum salmon from Japan and Atlantic Salmon from Norway. Salmon is a versatile, healthy, and flavorful fish. This type of fish is best cooked by either baking, grilling, frying, or poaching. The texture of the meat is firm and flaky. Salmon fish can be eaten raw but it’s best to cook it first. The meat is rich in omega-3 fatty acids and has a slightly sweet flavor. It is also a good source of vitamin D, vitamin B12, and selenium. This delicious fish is available in portion cut.

Weight : 100% Nett Weight

Temp : -18°C

Freeze Method: IQF

Packaging : IWP or IVP, Bulkpack or Retail

Portion Cut@2x

Frozen Salmon Portion Cut

This cut is a salmon portion/kirimi cut and is commonly used for sushi and other dishes. This cut is great for sandwiches, and tastes great with just a little salt and pepper. The best part about this cut is that it can be used in a variety of dishes, and tastes great as a sandwich, as well as on top of a salad.